Renowned oceanographer Steve Zissou has sworn vengeance upon the rare shark that devoured a member of his crew. In addition to his regular team, he...
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
When three cowboys show up dead, Tommy, a hard-drinking, retired bounty hunter whose ranch is on the brink for foreclosure, must saddle up one more...
Six Gun
Ivan Beckman, Hollywood's most sought-after talent agent, the darling and crown prince of La La Land, is dead. How and why did it happen? Was it...
ivans xtc.
The life of an aging black slave, Tom, and the people he interacts with.
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Dorian and Angus chase down their womanizing stepfather with a helicopter, frightening him to death. In his effort to cover their tracks, Dorian...
Home Fries
When a Texas millionaire marries his mistress, a bitter divorce battle, two deaths, an FBI sting operation, and criminal trials ensue.
Texas Justice
The nature and lure of power: in Dallas, a councilman is on trial for corruption, the D.A. is running for the US Senate, a serial killer is slashing...
Sex, drugs, money, murder - not to mention love, heartache, humiliation, guilt, revenge, redemption - are central themes in this wicked dark comedy....
God Thinks You're a Loser
Join schlock impresario Francis Gordon as his intrepid crew attempt to shoot an impromptu monster movie in the three days left over from the film...
Attack Of The Bat Monsters