A French documentary or, one might say more accurately, a mockumentary, by director William Karel which originally aired on Arte in 2002 with the...
Dark Side of the Moon
A controversial three part critical documentary on the history of the CIA.
On Company Business
During the Six-Day War, Israel attacked and nearly sank the USS Liberty belonging to its closest ally, the USA. Thirty-four American servicemen were...
USS Liberty: Dead in the Water
Set both in Latin America and the United States, the film explores the historic and current relationship of Washington with countries such as...
The War on Democracy
President Salvador Allende's topple from Chile's unstable government and the CIA's involvement in the September Coup that would turn the South...
Santiago Files
A new investigative documentary exploring the controversies surrounding the assassination of Bobby Kennedy on June 5, 1968 as he looked set to...
RFK Must Die: The Assassination of Bobby Kennedy