Betty and her daughter Corinna are introduced to the harsh seacoaling way of life by Ray, an ex-seacoaler returning from a job with ICI. His offer of...
An experimental mix of thriller and documentary exploring the scandal centred on the one-time Newcastle Council Leader, aka The Mouth of the Tyne,...
T. Dan Smith: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Utopia
A feature drama set in the declining fishing industry in North Shields, the film centres on the upheaval caused in a traditional fishing community by...
In Fading Light
A magical realist feature drama exploring the lives of a women’s darts team on North Shields’ Meadow Well Estate.
Dream On
Like many women active during the miners' strike, May Murton (Charlie Hardwick) has been left to clean up the mess. The closure of the pit, a failed...
The Scar
In amongst the fishing quaysides of the North East of England, manipulative Bob is first able to wangle his way into a prominent position within a...
The Happy Hunting Ground
Sunderland, against all of the odds, beat Leeds United in the 1973 FA Cup final, and memories of that triumphant city are revived when a photographer...