Tells the story of the time when the comedy group Srimulat's career began to climb so that it became the first to appear on Indonesian national...
Srimulat: Hil Yang Mustahal – Babak Pertama
After Gepeng's indiscipline, Srimulat's life in the capital suddenly turned upside down. The story of love, career and generations of legendary...
Srimulat: Hidup Memang Komedi
Aksa & Asha is a ideal couple on social media. When Asha wants to be a mother, Aksa disagrees because the child Asha is carrying will damage their...
A prisoner testifies for his sins
Beta Ruben
Because of an incident when they were in high school, members of the Bebas Gang were forced to separate. 23 years later, one of them is seriously ill...
Glorious Days