A simple man, Dr. Walter Newman has high aspirations to cure all disease through genetic manipulation. His obsession with his mission draws him...
The Tenant
FIEND FATALE is an "epic" horror-adventure proof-of-concept short film, about five sisters, a vampire, zombie, werewolf, demon, and mermaid, cloned...
Fiend Fatale
A deaf girl attempts to contact her sister during a séance, only to connect with the ghost of a murdered woman.
Guy Marks is retiring from the police force and we are following him on his last day on the job patrolling with his partner, Mike. They respond to...
Two Days
A young couple plans to have a rockabilly themed wedding out at the old farm, despite warnings of a West Nile Virus outbreak. Things go horribly...
Rockabilly Zombie Weekend
When loser Duke, who has screwed up every hair-brained scheme he's ever come up with, accidentally falls off a cruise ship and wakes up on a...
Isla Monstro
Based on true events, Patrick and his wife Karen Connor are hired by the state to exhume bodies resting under a closed down reform school known for...
Rookie police officer Jessica Loren has been assigned the last shift at a closing police station and must wait for a hazmat crew to collect...
Last Shift
Short Cut to Hollywood
Based on the book "Walt Before Mickey" covers the early years of Walt Disney's career. The legendary Walt Disney had a tumultuous childhood, yet he...
Walt Before Mickey
Danny Rolling's serial killings of five college students in 1990 forever changes the college-town of Gainseville, FL.
The Gainesville Ripper
A CIA assassin attempts to break out of the contract killing business to try to lead a normal life. But when "the system" tracks her down and frames...
Contract Killers
Grieving her mother's death and estranged from her husband, Katherine Kingsmen does her best to raise her son alone. When she meets a supportive and...
A magical tale about a man traveling home to claim his estranged father's inheritance when he encounters a peculiar stranger that seems to know...
This Man's Life