Mario Latona, and his best friend "Silk shirt" Johnny are young kids with a passion for crime. Mario dreams of becoming a real gangster like his...
Monsters of Mulberry Street
It's all Hallow's Eve, and geeky Steve and his buddy Cutter are holding a seance in the local cemetery. While foolishly messing with the dark forces...
Night of the Pumpkin
Summer, New York City. A college girl falls hard for a guy she just met. After a night of partying goes wrong, she goes to wild extremes to get him...
White Girl
A look behind the scenes at Bernie Madoff's massive Ponzi scheme, how it was perpetrated on the public and the trail of destruction it left in its...
The Wizard of Lies
A London detective tracking a serial killer finds the killers "truth or die" methods take him to New York to solve the case.
Shame the Devil