Jose, an educated farmer, cherishes his idyllic hillside village where he lives with family and beloved Ancy, surrounded by dear friends and...
Swargathile Katturumbu
The story takes place in a hilly village on the Kerala-Tamil Nadu border. The story is about a strict police officer who relocates there and the...
The film is set against the backdrop of a school and the story is set in two different periods—2000 and 2023. Alex (Siju Wilson), a business...
Samadhana Pusthakam
Eby, an immature managing director desperately trying to retrieve his laptop from an income tax officer, finds himself caught in a web of deceit and...
Policeman Ramendran is on a quest to find the one who has forced the nickname ‘Allu’ on him.
Allu Ramendran
Lallu, a happy-go-lucky person who loves to hang out with his friends, is in pursuit of true love. One day, he finds a photo of a missing woman,...
Oru Yamandan Premakadha
7 years after the events of Drishyam, the family lives with the trauma from that fateful night. A gripping tale of an investigation and a family...
Drishyam 2
Chiri is an Indian Malayalam language movie whivh tells a tale of friendship. The film is said to be a light-hearted entertainer revolving around a...
Mamachan is a forty-year-old man, who gets involved in politics due to his father. He becomes a national leader and contests for elections. In the...
Inspired by Sherlock Holmes books, enforcement officer PL Thomas wants to crack a big case in his first posting. However, his wife's antics lead to...
Sherlock Toms
Mannar Mathai Speaking 2 is malayalam comedy thriller film, directed by Mamas. It is a sequel to the 1995 cult comedy classic, Mannar Mathai Speaking...
Mannar Mathai Speaking 2