The film revolves around the life of Tarak, a foley artist of Bengali film. Tarak's job is to create ambient sounds for films, but, he gradually gets...
Bolo Dugga Maiki is an entertaining movie about Samya who always leads his life as a liar. However, when he meets a gorgeous girl in a train, Uma,...
Bolo Dugga Maiki
Alokesh and Mina both are very particular about their hair. As they share a similar affection, they decide to get married. In a twist of fate,...
Cheeni, a working girl, has to suddenly take care of her mother whose lifestyle turned bizarrely eccentric post-widowhood. Putting her hectic...
Because of a train strike, a group of tourists, mostly unrelated to each other, get stuck in New Mal Junction. These people are honeymooners (Saheb...