High Noon tells the story of a lawman named Will Kane (Skerritt) who has just married a young bride, Amy (Thompson), promising to leave his dangerous...
High Noon
A black comedy revolving around the humiliating lengths that people will resort to in order to get by in an unstable financial world from applying...
Bad Money
Jake Cunningham is an uptight,workaholic FBI agent from a wealthy family. Jake is assigned to protect Brandi O'Neill, cocktail waitress, after she...
Undercover Christmas
In the final months of World War II, American troops discovered a top-secret facility in Germany with an advanced batwing-shaped jet fighter. If Nazi...
Hitler's Stealth Fighter
Sergeant Michael Dunne fights in the 10th Battalion, AKA The "Fighting Tenth" with the 1st Canadian Division and participated in all major Canadian...
In Idaho, an estranged couple are trapped in a blizzard while on vacation just before Christmas.
Lost Holiday: The Jim & Suzanne Shemwell Story