Sir Tony Robinson takes a journey back in time to find out where Blackadder really began, and to uncover the story of the previously-unseen pilot...
Blackadder: The Lost Pilot
Trapped in their office by a baying crowd from all religious backgrounds, a group of filmmakers contemplate a fictional short film they have made...
My dear friends, it's time for us to welcome you to another 'lost' Jane Austen novel. It's been improvised from start to finish by the amazing cast...
Austentatious - I Don't Think So, Sir
Austentatious is an award-winning improvised comedy show in the style of the wondrous and witty Jane Austen. Every performance is made up on the spot...
Austentatious: Live at Leicester Square Theatre
A ward-winning musical comedian and improviser Rachel Parris gives us her fresh, life- affirming collection of songs, stories and stand-up here in...
Rachel Parris: Best Laid Plans
Rachel Parris's comic guide to how women can get ahead in television "despite their bodies teeming with pesky oestrogen". Using a plethora of...
A Girl's Guide To TV
An entirely improvised comedy play, with a cast who conjure up a 'lost' Jane Austen novel, based on nothing more than a title suggested by the...
Austentatious - Live at the Savoy
This offering is Rachel at her best; a dazzling hour of her signature blend of stand-up and songs. As a comedian and musician Rachel is able to both...
Rachel Parris: Poise