KAYA: The Mystery Unfolds is a Bengali movie starring Kaushik Sen, Priyanka Sarkar and Raima Sen in prominent roles. It is a thriller drama directed...
KAYA: The Mystery Unfolds
A gripping thriller, Flyover is the story of Bidisha, a journalist who is working around a report on traffic rule violations. One night, she gets...
In the pre-independent days, Viceroy Lord Curzon gifted a diamond-embedded golden pen to a local landlord as a token of gratitude for saving his...
Curzoner Kalom
Mahananda is an ambitious project based on the life and works of author and activist Mahashweta Devi who had devoted decades of her life to uplift...
Three shallow, dumbass friends, Samya, Nitin, and Ayan, decide to go on a fun trip to Thailand. However, trouble ensues when they get caught up with...
Thai Curry
Popularly called "Rupashi Banglar Kabi", Jibanananda Das is the most read poet after Rabindranath Tagore and Kazi Nazrul Islam in Bangladesh and West...
A domestic-suspense noir is packed with secrets and scheming.
Iskaboner Bibi
On March 12 rainy night, Sumit Ghoshal, a taxi driver arrives at a police station with a passenger who has suddenly taken ill. The O.C. inspects the...
Tirandaj Shabor
Set in the tumultuous Naxalite uprising in Bengal in 1971, Byomkesh Bakshi gets involved in a story of vengeance when he decides to attend a play at...
Byomkesh Hotyamancha
Indrajit (played by the consistently stellar Ritwick Chakraborty) is an intelligent if indecisive man of 35 on holiday from Kolkata to visit his old...
Asamapta - Incomplete
It's a story about relationship which is relatable in this current situation. Six characters portrayed the current fragile relation. At a certain...
Kolkata girl Roopsa goes to London and meets Bangladeshi Troyee. Troyee's friend Abhimanyu falls in love with Roopsa.
Untitled Abhijit Guha & Sudeshna Roy film in London
The film has been conceptualized as an apology letter to women from all sections of society, who have faced discrimination as well as have been...
Mahishasur Marddini