A series of gruesome accidents plague a small American farming community in the summer of 1935, encircling two identical twin brothers and their...
The Other
In the years before the Second World War, a tomboyish postulant at an Austrian abbey is hired as a governess in the home of a widowed naval captain...
The Sound of Music
A veterinarian who can communicate with animals travels abroad to search for a giant sea snail.
Doctor Dolittle
Mary and her friend, Rachel, are new students at St. Francis Academy, a boarding school run by the iron fist of Mother Superior. The immature teens...
The Trouble with Angels
A loose biography of seminal disco hit-makers The Village People and their composer Jacques Morali.
Can't Stop the Music
The Hardy Boys become owners of the Chinese junk Hai Hau. They head to New York City and go spelunking to break up a gang of criminals.
The Hardy Boys: The Mystery of the Chinese Junk