In Part One ("Escalier de service"), a group of hunky young guys run a painting service with an emphasis on "service." In Part Two ("Crash...
Dream Boys 2
Cadinot is releasing his classic short films from the early 1980s in value compilation form. Seeing as how each of these short film have for years...
Cadinot Classics 1
Where to hide for some sexual fun? The service entrance is the ideal place — spiced up with excitement. But the two teenagers did not notice...
Escalier de service
The Stallion is everything François would like to be, a magnificent, dominant stud who knows what he wants and gets it! He is the hero of is...
Under The Sign Of The Stallion
Two true classic Cadinot films on one dvd - Sous Le Signe De L'Etalon (Under the Sign of the Stallion) and Coup De Pinceau (Brushstroke).
Cadinot Classics 6