This expansive Greek drama follows a troupe of theater actors as they perform around their country during World War II. While the production that...
The Travelling Players
A rich family find their holiday island home invaded by a pair of criminals who've just escaped from the local jail.
Hostages of Lust
During its 85-minute running time, this jarring experimental film takes a no-holds-barred look at the way women have been treated and depicted in...
The assassin of a prominent trade unionist takes a conservative MP hostage, throwing in the government into disarray.
Days of '36
Love story between a famous singer and a women working in a boutique. She joins his group and replaces him as the singer, while he gradually falls...
Η αμαρτία στο κορμί της
Giorgos is a young man who just graduated from college. His parents are preparing a party to celebrate this occasion. George spoils the evening by...
Χούλιγκανς: Κάτω τα χέρια απ' τα νιάτα!
As Socrates is abroad for treatment, Elina's young woman falls in love with the painter Hector whom he has installed. Louisa, a girlfriend who lives...
Panos Pampanos has a double life. For Thalia, the daughter of his best friend and his protege, is a moral man of strict principles. But, he is...
A Crazy Party Animal
A young man, Kostas, together with two friends, sets for a journey on a sailboat, looking for something precious that his father hid on one of the...
On Course
Three friends reunite in Athens after struggling abroad. They think of a business idea but quickly realise that not everything goes as planned. When...
Τι έχουν να δουν τα μάτια μου
A mysterious disappearance takes place during the shooting of a commercial on the beach in the early morning hours. An unknown man suddenly comes...
The Colors of Iris
Underground route
Against the backdrop of Athens' bustling streets, a Greek white-collar worker starts his day off by doing various errands, and even though he hasn't...
Day Off
Η ανταρσία των 10
Dimitris, who is a reporter on the police beat, sends his friend and photographer Stefanos to Nauplion in order to photograph Erica, a famous model,...
Real Passion
Χωρίς μάρτυρες
Manolios decides to quit working on a ship and return to Crete so he can marry his beloved one, Lenio.
Έμπαινε Μανωλιό