A dramatic, energetic adaptation of Heinz Spoerli's ballet based on Grieg's Peer Gynt by the Zurich ballet. Marijn Rademaker is excellent as the...
Peer Gynt
Gottesanbeterinen – Meister der Tarnung
It was arguably the deadliest conference in human history. The topic: plans to murder 11 million Jews in Europe. The participants were not...
The Wannsee Conference: The Documentary
The A45 was the most beautiful highway in Germany. But almost 50 years after its construction, the A45 has become the country's biggest problem...
A45 - Königin der Autobahnen
Der Mann, der Udo Jürgens ist
As one of Germany’s beauties, the river was the gem of German landscape. But with industrialization it became the country’s hardest...
Germany's Wild Amazon
Ägypten: Sehnsucht nach Unsterblichkeit
Ägypten: Geburt einer Großmacht
Nacktmulle - Superhelden der Forschung
Follow one mammoth expert as he traces the legendary giants from Africa to the Yukon.
Mammoths: Giants of the Ice Age
The EU is investing billions to establish African states as its new border guards. It also supports dictatorships that close their borders in return.
Europe's Doormen
Many twentieth century European artists, such as Paul Gauguin or Pablo Picasso, were influenced by art brought to Europe from African and Asian...
Looking for Modern Art: Rethinking Art History
Geheimnis Möhnetalsperre
Un fleuve invisible
Squirrels are among the most widely known and recognized mammals. In many parts of the world they gladly join us for our lunches in city parks, amaze...
Going Nuts: Tales from the Squirrel World
Mit allen Wassern gewaschen - Tricks und Finten der Fische
May 27th, 1971 was a rainy day. In the small town Radevormwald, the world seems to be still in order. But on this day, 46 people die in a train...
Das Zugunglück von Radevormwald – Leben mit der Katastrophe
The film shines a light onto federal chancellor Angela Merkel and her now ending 16-year-long tenure. An era, not an episode. And a vagarious...
Merkel-Jahre - Am Ende einer Ära
Räumkommando Riesenratte - Spürnasen auf Minensuche
No profession, no say, no freedom of expression. Life as a prince consort is not exactly pleasure taxing. No constitution ascribes any function to...
Prince Consorts: In the Shadow of the Crown
Barely known and never seen, elephant shrews baffle even the zoologists. With their stilt-like legs and long mobile trunk, joined to the body of a...
Rainforest Pixies: The Mysterious Rhynchocyon Shrew of Arabuko