Follows the early years of two unknown 18 year old amateur boxers who quickly fought their way to becoming the most feared and respected villains in...
The Rise of the Krays
Five family drama, gay-themed, short films. This collection includes the following short films: Pride, Directed by Marc Saltarelli; The Commitment,...
Green Briefs
Goldy Berry's Medieval feast at Hyde Castle gets interrupted by a murder. She teams up with Detective Schultz to solve the mystery before the...
Curious Caterer: Foiled Plans
A young junior hockey player's life is shattered by an in-game act of violence. In an instant his life is abruptly turned upside down; torn from the...
Hello Destroyer
Former professional skier Kat works as a ski aid and ski shop worker at Bliss Mountain, where she prepares for a Winterfest to drum up business for...
Winter's Dream
Carls the eldest of three brothers and is expected to be a role model for the family. He wants to show his family that he made the right choice to...
Kimchi Fried Dumplings
Famous musician Heath and small-town girl Cara are each traveling back to Oklahoma for the holidays when they get stranded in Chicago. Despite his...
Time for Me to Come Home for Christmas
Darcy, a talented event planner returns to her home town to plan her mother’s wedding. She’s having trouble accepting her...
A Whirlwind Wedding
While backstage on opening night of a new play by celebrated murder mystery author/director Neil Khan, photographer Allie Adams discovers the body of...
Picture Perfect Mysteries: Exit Stage Death