During the course of an ordinary week in Hollywood, movie producer Ben must navigate his way through shark-infested waters as he struggles to...
What Just Happened
The rivalry between two brothers reaches a fever pitch during a charity swim competition.
My Blind Brother
An unexpected admission emerges while a couple is making love. Naked, emotionally and physically, they must confront a tangled web of love, sex and...
Leave You in Me
In 1948 Manhattan, a diverse group of people are committed to making the fledgling Empire Network a success. Among them: a naive young woman who's...
The Big Time
Having already faced the Great White Pine in TREES, Ranger Cody is now faced with the task of battling an entire feeding frenzy of geneticly enhanced...
Trees 2: The Root of All Evil
All's quiet in the small Vermont town of Hazelville as Memorial Day approaches until a string of mysterious deaths begin plaguing forest ranger Mark...
A rush-hour fender-bender on New York City's crowded FDR Drive, under most circumstances, wouldn't set off a chain reaction that could decimate two...
Changing Lanes