When a struggling single mother falls for a wealthy heartbreaker, their risky romance could just turn their lives around — or tear their worlds...
Set in the poor Mekong Delta coastal village of Thơm Rơm, the film follows the lives of three women, whose love lives are unusual and...
Glorious Ashes
High schooler Ha Vy falls in love with a Teacher's College student doing his final internship at her school.
Once Upon a Rain
Summer in Closed Eyes is the journey of the girl named Ha (Summer), played by Phuong Anh Dao. The story begins when Ha is coming to the town of...
Summer in Closed Eyes
A young, ambitious woman working in a man's world needs a partner who would tidy and organize her life. Unexpectedly, a stranger at the park may be...
My Mr. Wife
Mysterious incidents keep happening at a mansion in the midst of the pine forest. A young girl who has just moved in is about to discover the...
Ghost Father
An (Phuong Anh Dao) - Phat (Lien Binh Phat) has a sweet love relationship. From childhood to becoming young people, both have for each other...
Truyên Ngan
After being injured in a car accident, Thu - a blind girl came to the police to report the incident that she believed had become a murder. But...
Invisible Evidence
A successful young doctor is constantly haunted by nightmares about a mysterious killer who seems to not only be chasing her in her dreams.
The story revolves around a babysitter named 'My' coming to work for a rich young family. As bonds start to form, and trusts built, 'My' begins to...
Black Rose