The story focuses on the life of a couple and their twin sons, one of whom begins to show that he identifies as a girl. From this, Gabriela, the...
I'm a Girl, I'm a Princess
Javier is a successful writer of novels that, since his wife left him, lives plunged into a creative crisis. Concerned about this situation, his...
Amor a mares
Joaquín has just turned 40, he has a ringing in his ears and he knows little about himself. His emotional and work life have no direction. His...
4 Meters
Leo and Ana were a very happy couple until she decides to travel to Spain to try her luck as a chef and Leo prefers to stay in Buenos Aires. They...
Juan is in his 30s, bored with his life, and isolated from his friends. He is just dedicated to being a good boyfriend. One day, his girlfriend dumps...
20,000 Kisses