A young woman who is determined to maintain her independence finds herself at odds with her family who wants her to tame her wild side and get...
My Brilliant Career
Based on the highly acclaimed play by Michael Gurr, 'A Pair of Claws', it revolves around a couple who have been married for more than 30 years....
Another take on the 1960 version, with a different production team and some of the same cast.
A young dancer on the Sydney club circuit finds her life falling apart after she witnesses the drowning of a young man at Bondi. His presence...
Kindred Spirits
The Getting of Wisdom is based on the 1910 novel by Henry Handel Richardson (born Ethel Florence Lindesay Richardson). Her novel is thought to be an...
The Getting of Wisdom
Clyde is a typical junior clerk in a public service office. He watches the budding friendship between two co-workers and he turns it into the...
The Office Picnic