The film is about youngsters and the story of the film revolves around a young sheltered man who suddenly discovers life when he comes out on to the...
Bapi Bari Jaa
Deb and Rimi are in love, but Rimi's father is against their relationship. Her father tricks her into coming to US to keep her away from Deb, but he...
It’s the third edition of Saheb, Biwi Aur Gangster series where it’s survival of the wittiest and the wealthiest. Will the royal couple...
Saheb, Biwi Aur Gangster 3
In an effort to revive extinct animals, a mad scientist develops an intelligent breed of crocodiles. Soon enough, an NRI hijacks his project for his...
Jole Jongole
A warm, fuzzy and endearing story of naive Ghanteshwar, a middle-aged unmarried guy, who dreams of getting married one day to the girl of his dreams,...
Urf Ghanta
Pregnant and alone in the city of Kolkata, a woman begins a relentless search for her missing husband, only to find that nothing is what it seems.
Taan is a women centric film centered on the water prostitutes or Jal Baishya who live in the remote areas of underbans and are abducted and...
Three generations of a family live together but they are very different from each other. The three young sons learn various lessons from life and end...
Maach Mishti & More