After graduation from university, childhood friends Ann, Joy, Koi, Mam and Joom move on to follow their respective career paths. They reunite again...
Sin Sisters
Charn is working on his thesis to convert the Concert Hall project to Music Complex, and his advisor suggests him to see Gerrard for any information...
Warn Tung Loke Khok Hua Thur
A young man named Chob, is caught in bed with In-tu-orn, the daughter of a powerful and wealthy landowner who owns almost ever acre in northern...
In the Name of Godfather
Just after World War II ends a train carrying freshly minted banknotes in wooden cases leaves Hat Yai for Bangkok. Soon after it leaves the station...
While studying caves, a group of geologists leaded by Professor Maeda is attacked by gecko fiends that possess their bodies transforming them into...
Lizard Woman
Sorcerer cop Khun Pan is persuaded to take on another dangerous mission. He is hunting down two bandits and uncovering a conspiracy that challenges...
Khun Pan 3