A, an American film director of Greek ancestry, is making a film that tells his story and the story of his parents. It is a tale that unfolds in...
The Dust of Time
A couple of bourgeois intellectuals, Carlo and Silvia, have been married for twenty years. While she lives in their flat in Rome, he spends most of...
The Scent of Blood
"During a Scholarship at the British School at Rome I adapted a 1935 text by Italian writer Luigi Pirandello called Treatment for Six Characters....
Treatment for Six Characters
A nearly sightless boy is sent to a school for blind children, where he secretly discovers the possibilities of the recorded sound.
Red Like the Sky
After the release of "Nostalgia", Andrei Tarkovsky runs out his Soviet authorities permission to work abroad: he has to go back home. But he...
The Gift
A film about the reunion of a family broken by the pain and because of the pain can be reunited. An intense story, told in a soft and sensitive way,...
My Country
Giulia, an American woman living in Italy, becomes depressed and traumatized after her husband Paolo is killed in a car accident on their wedding...
Julia and Julia
Alexander, a tribal warlord and former political prisoner, kidnaps British tourists, holding them for ransom until Britain and the Greek puppet...
Alexander the Great
Marcello is a dwarf who is kept hidden by his family and falls in love with a prostitute from the local brothel. The prostitute's lover plots to kill...
Sick Love
Mokumentary. Year 2020, Nicolino Amore becomes the new mayor of Naples and begins a war on garbage and organized crime. In this way, Naples will...
L'era legale