The Kamen Rider Club discovers that the Dai-Zangyack fleet is moving towards Earth, led by Captain Marvelous as their Great Emperor. With many...
Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Wars
Hina is a high school student and lives in Dekotora, due to some problems with debts, Hina is challenged to drive truck, now she struggles every day...
Juku-jo Trucker
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漆黒のエージェント レディフォックス
伝承戦隊フェアナイツ外伝 忍エージェント フブキ
The year is 2099, there is tumult everywhere and Japan is dominated by a secretive society. A mysterious girl called Shin roams the country and its...
072 Squadron: G Rangers
Hokuto Girls' Academy is a den of unruly delinquents from all over the country. A girl has come to bring peace and order to the dilapidated school...
Yankee High School Girl 5
A psycho scientist sent in to inoculate the luscious young student bodies against a new virus makes a little error in judgment, resulting in a...
Attack Girls' Swim Team Versus the Undead
The first erotic suspense that depicts a horrible living hell that is unlawfully present in a secret cabal that does not exist. High school teacher...
Tokyo Underground Women's Prison CHAPTER 1 · Area 88
Due to the government’s new policy, the Japanese Economy is growing steadily. Although companies are prospering, the citizens are experiencing...
Tokyo Ballistic War II: Crazy Cyborg Maiden
In 1561, in a fierce battle with Uesugi, the Takeda group lost a great number of military commanders, including Kansuke Yamamoto, a warrior, and...
Lady Ninja Chiyome
Natsumi, a housewife, has built a happy family with her husband, Yudai, who works for an advertising agency, and her only son, Nautical Mile, who is...
Tsuma-tachi no utage: Furin chitai
Misa's father, the Minowa clan leader, was killed by assassins from the rival organisation Shinsui Rengo. She decides to live her life as a yakuza...
Yakuza's Lady 5
Judo Girls