A story about role models and idols, "Idola" tells the tale of Farah, a lawyer and the elder sister of Nana. Trouble brews when Nana starts to...
Yusman who is confined to the house by his father, Dato’ Alwi meets marlia, their driver’s daughter. She tells him about life outside the...
Kekasih Awal Dan Akhir
Tina and Anita are publishers of Femina. A monthly magazine featuring equality amongst the sexes. Tina defends her views while Anita is a crusader....
This film is about Nora, who once a factory worker had refused the proposal of Prince Faizal. Prince Farid, younger brother of Prince Faizal, felt...
Puteri Impian 2
The discovery of XX Ray – a device that allows one to see through things, becomes a disaster when Anuar deliberately sneaks it out and brings...
XX Ray
Her dream was to be a princess. Her dream came true when she was offered to sign a contract. In this contract, she agreed to be a princess for 10...
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The story starts with Azlee trading his cute Kancil for a Proton Wira through a salesman named Borhan. Azlee plans to take his wife Zati and their...
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