In modern-day Metro Manila, a diverse group of Filipinos faces life's lows as their destinies collide on a fateful train ride, unfolding a...
Inspired by true events, a gifted yet rebellious high school student transfers from a prestigious academy to a notorious "cursed section" in a public...
Boys at the Back
Kiko, an 11-year-old boy left aimlessly alone with his nanny after the recent death of his mother, rekindles a long lost relationship with his father...
Kiko, the Boxer
It shows the colorful life of the departed mayor of Tanauan City told in the point of view of Soriano who had an in-depth interview with the slain...
The Last Interview: The Mayor Antonio Halili Story
A young boy and his three friends are trying to live a normal life, battling their own demons and taking care of their respective families while...
Children of the River
A musical film protraying Padre Damaso, Jose Rizal's famous villain in his book 'Noli Me Tangere.
Dead of night in the old capital, young Marcelo picks up a book amidst the city ruins— effigy to a once promising nation. The Philippines is...
The Guitarist
The story takes us into the colorful pop-culture world of these four 13-year old friends, back in the days when video games were still a novelty....
Death of Nintendo
Teban, a troubled teen who recently got out of jail for petty theft, moves to tenement 66 with his older brother Tony and cousin Ron-ron, hoping to...
Tenement 66
The story of a Filipino migrant in Brisbane and her fight for the custody of her Filipino children.
The origin story of the Loboc Children’s Choir and how through their almost magical singing talent and the sheer determination of their...
Song of the Fireflies