The movie takes place in the early 18th century on the borders between Bosnia and Dalmatia, the crossroad between the Ottoman Empire and the Republic...
The Horseman
After the experience in the War of Independence, Luka Gavez returns to his old job, reselling works of art and antiques. He is very successful in...
General's Regal Smile
Dora is a neglected girl, who dreams about becoming a football manager. Suddenly, her outlaw father enters her life and they build a close...
You Carry Me
Documentary about The Armed Boats Squadron Dubrovnik, a volunteer unit of the Croatian Navy that ran the naval blockade during the siege of Dubrovnik...
People of the Sea
Approximately a month before the death of the first Croatian president and in the wake of parliamentary elections in December 1999, a diplomat from...
The Recollection Thief