The film revolves around romantic Adel (Samo Zein) and the simple girl Nesma (Zeina) dreaming of a quiet family that combines them, but his mother...
Ninety Minutes
Three lawyers, brought by friendship but separated by interests, Fathi Nofal, who turns from a committed lawyer to an opportunist, while Ali...
Birds of Darkness
The struggle of two women who face many events and the psychological and sociological aspects of being unmarried yet of marrying age in the context...
Two Girls from Egypt
The film presents a part of the biography of legendary artist Umm Kulthum since 1944, shedding light on her unfinished romance like her relationship...
Star of the East
A horror feature that tells the story of Ezz El-Din, who returns from abroad after many years, looking for his family, and while staying at his...
Day 13
Fares is a struggling gas station worker with a sports background, but circumstances force him to confront the brutality of businessman Rashid El...
Five sisters whose life conditions deteriorated after the death of the father and the mother was sentenced to death after her involvement in a murder...
These Women don't know regret
Within a social dramatic framework, the events of the series revolve around a group of people who have several intertwined human relationships. It...
The club of broken hearts
Sully a lover boy, who escapes his marriage from Farah, to then find himself in love with Mariam but fails to marry her because of a spell. His...
Baed El Shar
Shehab Abdul Aziz (Ahmed Haroun) is a corrupt businessman who collects his wealth illegally. A terrifying and interesting template.
Black Heart
Prosecutor Intelligence
Mr. Know It All
Police officer Hamza requests his transfer to the Anti-Narcotics Administration, following the killing of his brother by Suleiman Al-Muslimi. He...
The Deal
Omar Al Azrak
Nader saif eldeen and Afet elsherbiny are two competing Egyptians newspaper reporters who expose the truth but the Channel Manager rejects that for...
The Following Statement Came To Us
Na'ma is a beautiful girl who lives in a local neighborhood. As some of her dangerous neighbors start to pursue her, her brother is forced to step in...
The domineering wife is absent from the house, so the husband takes advantage of the opportunity to catch his breath, as he frequent cabarets and...
My Wife Is a Gang Boss
A romantic film presenting a love story that is both sweet and bitter. Can love be found amidst clashes and troubles?
The film focuses on the life of two brothers who died in their lives from orphanage. One of them worked in the police force and was promoted to the...
E'dam Baree