The story evolves around how a woman’s mundane night-in can take a turn for the worse. Even in the comfort of her own home, she never knew what...
Off The Hook
Following the death of his wife, a broken man spirals into an abyss of night tremors and depression and finds himself in the home of a deranged...
Feed Me
When a repressed police detective's disciplined life gets interrupted by the visit of his estranged younger brother, he is forced to confront their...
Howls Heard From Miles Around
A surreal & dark short film about fitness freaks going too far.
A hot young couple decide to spice up their sex life by having a threesome with another man, however it does not go to plan which leads our hero on a...
Hound is an action packed drama set in Hounslow, West London. It deals with addiction, self discovery and old fashion revenge.
Margaret Powers—a middle aged, middle class doctor of pathology—seeks a path of vengeance when she captures and tortures the young man...
Two Graves
A vengeful ex-con goes on a 24 hour killing spree, never saying a word. The discredited detective investigating the case is convinced there is more...
24 Little Hours
Five ghost hunters find more than they bargained for when wandering into a haunted house.
A Warning to the Curious
On Christmas Eve, an innocent couple become hosts to a malicious entity. Throughout the night they terrorise a family of five in unimaginably violent...
Weighed down by financial problems, Tina takes a job as a receptionist at an illegal massage parlour in London. As she slowly gets to know the women...
The Receptionist