The story charts the journey of two childhood friends Kohinoor Kalyan and Jilani Ramdas. They are both enthusiastic and easy-going. On an unfateful...
Sanjay sets out on a mission to find the vintage bike Rajdooth as asked by his future father-in-law in order to marry the love-of-his-life Priya.
Mohan Rao and his elder brother face Pedda Shavukar and Chinna Shavukar, a political battle where low caste fights the high caste power.
Palasa 1978
Revolving around Hyderabad, a city like no other, are the lives of eight people grappling with life-changing choices as their fates entwine with each...
Metro Kathalu
When his wife goes missing, Arvind must solve the mystery of her disappearance before time runs out and he becomes the prime suspect.