The film tells about the events that happened to Eshkin (Elmeddin Jafarov), who kidnapped his girlfriend (Dilara Aliyeva) together with his friend...
Togrul loves his wife Leyla very much and is terribly jealous at the same time. His jealousy destroys the family, and even Togrul's mother, knowing...
Light in the Window
The film is about a day of the 19th-20th century famous tycoons from Baku Agha Musa Naghiyev and Hadji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev.
The Burden
This Wonderful, Wonderful World
At the request of his colleague, the young lawyer goes to the courtroom to replace her, but he mixes up the rooms and ends up defending a brutal...
Where Is The Lawyer?
Hozu is coming from a remote village to work with his cousin in Baku.
Orkhan is Jeyran's fiancé. However, one day, after he leaves Jeyran alone with a bear at the zoo and runs away, they have a falling out....
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