The events revolve around (Riyadh), who abandons his wife and their infant daughter (Nemat), who ends up in an orphanage after the death of her...
Cup of torment
طريق السعادة
Naim, who decides to take revenge on Narges' widow, Wasfi, who caused him to be imprisoned, so he makes an agreement with Dalal in order to plan to...
Al Shaytan wal Kharif
Samia asks her fiancé Anis to help her sick mother. The police arrest them on charges of drug trafficking, but the court decides to acquit...
Scandal monger
When a young child sees her father leaving the room of a murdered woman, she mistakenly believes that he is the killer and testifies against him.
Al-Malak Al-Zalem
(Samia) is a married woman with one daughter named (Laila). One day, (Samia) discovers that she has cancer and is close to death. She tries to hide...
The Great Love
Samir and Fathi are friends. Samir is a famous musician and Fathi works as an employee in a humble job. Fathi meets Nahid, who has a beautiful voice...
Habib qalbi
Amina lives in Al-Saqqa neighborhood. She becomes seriously ill and is forced to be transferred to Dr. Jasser’s hospital, where his son, Dr....