Kasim, a rich man lives by lending money by collecting taxes from the residents in his place, most of whom are farmers. In addition, Kasim also...
Satria Desa
Luka Tiga Kali is an 1965's Indonesian Film Drama.
Luka Tiga Kali
The opposing attitude of Hadi's lover and parents, who were assigned out of town, to Ombilin. Hadi's inner conflict raged. But finally he chose to go...
Kami Bangun Hari Esok
A young man forgot his roots after spending his childhood at sea.
Malin Kundang (Anak Durhaka)
Even though he was an orphan, Herman was serious about developing himself in the arts. Moreover, he received encouragement from Kustari, his mother's...
Bintang Baru