A humorous and satirical comedy, which places a man from the year 2222 one day in the (then) present day life in GDR, East Germany under Communist...
The Man with the Objective Lens
The film tells the story of the smelter brigade of a steel mill whose members are connected by a strong comradeship. Among the workers are, for...
Lachtauben weinen nicht
Originally banned in 1966, East German director Jürgen Böttcher's tale of love and disillusionment among two newlyweds attempting to...
Born in '45
In a backwater town, opera director Andrej Wischnewsky is supposed to put on a production of Mozart's "Don Giovanni".
Don Juan, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 78
August 1961. The former Foreign Legionnaire, King, has collected a gang of hooligans, with whom he creates mischief in the GDR. After some careless...
The Baldheaded Gang
On the eve of the German Peasants' Revolt, painter Joerg Ratgeb is occupied by a crisis of his own: finding a model for a Christ figure. He sets off...
Jörg Ratgeb, Painter
The three athletes Holger, Jens, and Ralf are fighting in the Nordic combined for a place in the junior national team. What has begun as fruitful...
Film by Evelyn Schmidt.
Auf dem Sprung
Eine Pyramide für mich
Mauritius Halbermann, nicknamed "Mauts", works as an advertising manager for Gravo-Druck, a state-owned print company. Mauts, a man obsessed with his...
Das verhexte Fischerdorf