"Pregnant" is a window into a woman's existence as she lives her internal life ever so delicately as her external life. Becoming a mother for the...
Somewhere in the Milky Way, a young girl starts making eccentric dolls to free herself from the atmosphere that rules her home. One night she...
The Milky Way Galaxy
A solitary woman, who just got out of a relationship, is spending her Corona quarantine days with her two cats. The female cat wants to mate, but the...
The Cats
A young couple have problems in their marriage.
An Iranian journalist couple wants to move to America to escape the difficulties of their country. The woman receives her visa but her husband...
The people who are living on an island are leaving there because of the situation that became worse recently even they are taking body of their...
A Few Knots Away
It is possible to hide an event not out of cunning but out of fear that it will be revealed.
Fired from his job, behind on his rent and abandoned by his wife, a burnt-out Uber driver gets an unusual passenger.