Celluloid Horror explores Kier-La Janisse's tireless crusade to bring obscure cult horror film to the masses through her independently run...
Celluloid Horror
A surrealistic anthology of horror films; four segments structured as an intense fever dream...
Subconscious Cruelty
For 11 years, the FantAsia Film Festival in Montreal has been the premiere showcase in North America of fantasy, horror and action films from around...
In the Belly of the Beast
A detailed look at the history of horror anthology films.
Tales of the Uncanny
Following five years in the life and career of independent filmmaker Justin McConnell, this documentary explores the struggles of financing,...
Clapboard Jungle: Surviving the Independent Film Business
This thirty minute documentary features interviews with Giovinazzo's key contemporaries discussing the continued impact and influence of Combat Shock...
Post Traumatic: An American Nightmare