Documentary director Yuko portrays a school violence incident from three years ago that resulted in suicides, while she was teaching classes at her...
A Balance
Two con artists, Samejima (Yuki Tamaki) and Oshikiri (Osamu Soma), have secured a promise from Harue (Sanae Kaneko), the wife of a wealthy family, to...
Rebellious teenager Natsumi arrives from Tokyo on a small provincial island in search of the treasure left by her deceased mother.
All the Songs We Never Sang
Hino Mitsunari runs evening classes at a high school attended by foreigners, the elderly, and students struggling with various difficulties. The...
Yako Aru Teiji Seikoko no Monogatari
A young man who's failed the Tokyo University of the Arts exam five times is jealous of a talented high school artist who eventually helps him unlock...
Last Judgement
Three high school students at the Robocon Research Club learned that an UFO will destroy the earth from Akane, a mysterious new student, who suddenly...
Follows the final days of left-wing terrorist Satoshi Kirishima, who died in 2024 after evading capture for 49 years.
The Escape
This is Night Drifting
Night Drifting