Part of the Daughters of the Country series, this film, set in the 1850s, unfolds against the backdrop of the Hudson's Bay Company's monopoly of the...
Mistress Madeleine
On the eve of an important scientific discovery, tragedy strikes the Belair family. Alexander, the youngest, recovers from his physical and...
L'éveil du singe
A journalist wrongly accused of murder enlists the help of a femme fatale to track down the real killer.
Preuve d'amour
In the early 1940's, Canada is a country at war and Florentine is a young woman, from a very poor family, looking for love. She meets two suitable...
The Tin Flute
Alice, 65 years old, becomes roommate with Guy, 25 years old. After confessing to him that she’s recently widowed and incapable of going back...
Her Home
Pico organises a "Farewell party" on the eve of her medical assistance in dying. She is peaceful with her choice and wants to enjoy her last night...
Canadian businesswoman Dinah Middleton's is devastated when her teenage son, Alex, is killed by a hit-and-run driver. When the police fail to turn up...
Hitting Home
An unhappy married woman has an affair with a violent criminal. She gets pregnant with his baby, but he gets arrested and goes to prison. Now what?
A day in the life of two Québec families reunited for their children's wedding.
Le grand jour