After an injured young woman takes refuge in his secluded home, a gruff recluse must fight off a bloodthirsty cult and an insatiable sorceress to...
Night of the Bastard
Marie, a reluctant resident of a retirement community in Southern Oregon, decides to walk 80 miles down the Redwood Highway to see the ocean for the...
Redwood Highway
A rural murder mystery thriller.
From the Dark
When an Internet Troll tries to throw some man shade on a blogging couple, he finds he's messed with the wrong people.
A terminally-ill young woman goes on a trip with her sister and friends before deciding whether or not she will go through with her choice of...
Emma Was Here
World renown vampire fighter, Professor Bartholomew Dubbs is giving a weekend workshop on how to find and kill vampires at his Institute for Vampire...
Vampire Camp