Parody tale of notorious Edo-period Robin Hood named Nezumi Kozo (Rat Man), a thief who robs from the rich and showers the money on the poor. In this...
Love Bandit Rat Man
A concubine is exiled from the Shogun's harem after she is found guilty of having tried to smuggle a kabuki dancer into the palace for the purpose of...
The Blonde in Edo Castle
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Japan's Pleasure District: Three Sisters at a Turkish Bath
Oshichi (Setsuko Ogawa), the daughter of a green grocer, is only seventeen years old but is known as one of the most beautiful girls in Edo. She is...
Burning Desire
Legend of the Sex Thief in Edo
The twelfth shogun, Ieyoshi, embraces Oruri day and night under the care of Fujioka, a guest attendant at the O-oku. However, Fujioka's senior,...
Concubine Secrets: Lustful Dance
Shiroi ominaeshi
A naive country girl runs away to the city and gets picked up by a kindly well dressed man. She soon finds that life can be cruel.
Delinquent Girl: Alley Cat In Heat
The story depicts the love and hate surrounding artificial insemination between a husband who is unable to have children and a normal wife.
Apartment Wife: Prime Woman
Wandering Seagull: Night in Kushiro
The movie was inspired by real life test driver Yukio Fukuzawa, who on 12 February 1969 lost control of his Toyota 7 at Fuji Speedway near...
Love and Death at Fuji Speedway
The world of secret sex performers is shown through the lives of a husband and wife team. Their manager must contend with pesky customers and a...
Professional Sex Performers: A Docu-Drama
The sixth year of Hōei. In the sixth year of the reign of Tokugawa Ienobu (Hiroyuki Mikawa), the sixth shogun, Kayo (Yumi Nakano), a maid in the...
Concubine Secrets: Tattoo Contest
An ambitious businessman knocks up his mistress with fraternal twins. He keeps the boy but sends his bodyguard to dispose of the mother and the girl....
Naked Rashomon
Maruhi onsen anaba sagashi
The world is in turmoil with the October Revolution of 1917, riots over the inflationary price of rice, and the military expedition to Siberia in...
The World of Geisha
Roman Porno film depicting the great uproar that the children cause in the division of their property, even before their parents are dead, as they...
The Last Laugh
New Eros Schedule Book Concubine Secrets: Flower Storm New Year Sex
(Maruhi) Shôsha Jôhô: Onna Kaishime Urioshimi
Shotaro, a young man who was kidnapped as a baby by a prostitute, lives and entertains in a seaside brothel. He often has to spend the night in the...
The World of Geisha 2 – The Precocious Lad
The film depicts the private life wrapped in the mysterious veil of the dancer Gypsy Rose, who was known as the Monroe of Japan and enthused a wide...
Gypsy Rose: A Docu-Drama
An assassin trained as a ninja carries the code name M. Hayami is a yakuza boss and a divorced father who is not allowed to come near his young...
Black Panther Bitch M
A woman's husband’s infidelity drives her to sleep with both of her sisters’ lovers.
Overly-Ripe Breasts: Married Women
Secret of the College Girls: Part-Time Sex Pros
A wandering matchmaker finds she must defend the brothel she is staying at when a local yakuza boss targets the women working there with a hired...
Sex War
Secret of Concubine Palace Addendum: Convent's Gate of Lust
Fresh out of prison a manager of live sex shows decides to take his show on the road. He persuades one of his former performers to join his troupe...
Jitsuroku Erogotoshitachi: Jungyô Hanadensya
A backstage documentary and interview with the real life lesbian stage performer Kaoru Kiri mixed with a fictional life of her rejected lover.
Kaoru Kiri: The Best Lesbian In Japan, Authentic Account