A look at the work of two stand-up comics, Jerry Seinfeld and a lesser-known newcomer, detailing the effort and frustration behind putting together a...
Josie Patterson is attempting to start her life over after a tragic incident changed the life she previously knew forever. She gets a job at a small...
Baby Blues
Young, gifted and black! In an act of self-empowerment, a group of young Black people, mainly first and second generation immigrants from the...
Biography of rock star Jimi Hendrix chronicles his early career, including a stint with Little Richard who fired him for getting too flamboyant, to...
The story takes the battle of the sexes into the hockey arena, as Paula Taymore – who almost once made the Olympic team – finds herself...
Chicks with Sticks
A trio of young men are forced to grow up quick when their girlfriends all become pregnant around the same time.
My Baby's Daddy
Raisin' Kane: A Rapumentary