Carla and Fernando are a young couple vacationing with their son Nico at the beach, where they find a break from their hectic life. However, while...
The House of Sand
Rubén returns to live with his parents in the quiet town where he was born, after having studied film in Santiago. Accustomed to the city, he...
Un buen hombre
Three teenage girls from a Santiago shanty town set in motion a plan to climb buildings and break into the apartments of the wealthy side of the town.
Spider Thieves
Anna travels to Santiago after many years, convinced by her brother to leave their mother’s ashes in the imposing rocks at Las Docas in...
In the Sky You Let Me Fall
Francisca and Sofía, an open couple, meet Anaís, a young Turkish woman, with whom they establish a beautiful friendship that makes them...
Variable and Fleeting
Camila, an explosive teenager with dreams of being an activist leader, organizes a pacific student protest. When no student shows up for the protest,...
Weona Loca
Luis, a private tutor, is invited to a family dinner at the fancy house where he works. What starts as a peaceful evening is soon overshadowed by the...
The Righteous