This melodrama revolves around the relationships of the four main characters -- a deaf-mute named Janet, her aunt Gilda, a cousin, and a mechanic...
Paano Na? Sa Mundo ni Janet
Andres Manambit was a law enforcer who faced numerous attempts on his life by illegal loggers after he thwarted their efforts to bribe him. When they...
Andres Manambit: Angkan Ng Matatapang
A story about Carding Sungkit, an ex-convict who just got out of the joint.
Grease Gun Gang
The serial tells the tragic love story of Vina, a single woman who wants to have a baby despite her advanced age. With the help of her best friend,...
Kapag Iginuhit Ang Hatol Ng Puso
Filipino action star Eddie "Lagalag" Fernandez is convicted and jailed for his role in a homicide.
A story about eight young men who are currently studying in high school. As adolescents trying to experiment on new things, they face different...
Estudyante Blues
A boy grows up not knowing his real identity. One day a mysterious lady, claiming to be his real mother, divulges the truth about his roots. He is...
Anak ni Baby Ama
Fernando Poe Jr. stars as Carding Villamar, a city professional who returns to their hometown of Evangelista after learning of his brother's untimely...
Hindi pa Tapos ang Laban