A modern-day fairy tale, The Haunting of Prince Dom Pedro is a story of how a group of high school Latin American History class students learn to...
The Haunting of Prince Dom Pedro
Jason Todd (Francesco Di Maio) is wandering the streets of the Gotham Slums on Christmas Eve, spending his holiday with the forgotten and the...
Stam, a not so smart cop, must figure out if a random assault on a young woman, Vivian, is connected to a killer stalking Pittsburgh and removing...
Head Case
After the death of her high school sweetheart, a teen spirals into dangerous and violent behaviors fueled by hallucinations and memories of her lost...
There Should Be Flowers
A movie within the The Haunting of Prince Dom Pedro feature film, Winner Takes All: Royal Flush is the latest sequel in the wildly successful Winner...
Winner Takes All: Royal Flush
A fearless agent is captured and interrogated by a powerful crime boss, Under the threat of a new weapon technology, She must battle her way out of...