This is an Indonesian horror film based on the lullaby ‘Oo Nina Bobo’. The chilling tale depicts the life of a young boy whose entire...
Oo Lullabies
This is a true story that happened mid-2012: Mahisa (Evan Sanders) wants to help a movie star named Asha (Celine Evangelista) who feel annoyed by the...
Ruqyah - The Exorcism
Batavia City, a beautiful city that can no longer be safely inhabited. Robbery, violence, and a variety of increasingly rampant criminality. In the...
A mother uses her deceased daughter's doll as a medium to communicate with her, but the consequences are chilling.
The Doll 2
People in a small village try to get rich by winning the lottery. Short on luck, they attempt to enlist the help of evil spirits by stealing their...
Djoerig Salawe