Jimmy Loveit, born with shortened arms due to thalidomide, is a talented kick boxer despite his handicap. Ably coached by Ron, Jimmy is a formidable...
Kung Fu Flid
Beth B takes us into the 21st century underground and reveals a secret world where cutting-edge performers are taking hold of a taboo art form,...
The untold disability civil-rights love story of two cabaret performers, Barbara and Alan, who met at a gig, fell in love, and became the driving...
Then Barbara Met Alan
Sins Invalid witnesses a performance project that incubates and celebrates artists with disabilities, centralizing artists of color and queer and...
Sins Invalid: An Unshamed Claim to Beauty
Born Freak
Michael Grade reveals the story of General Tom Thumb, the world's first global show business celebrity who went from humble beginnings in America to...
The Real Tom Thumb: History's Smallest Superstar
Mr. Choade, the director of The House of Choade, a Grand Guignol theatre, has made an evil bargain with the Medicine Man, who has promised to help...
The Cruel Tale of the Medicine Man
Kwame, a sexy, straight 17-year-old is trying to get his two dads, Max and Jordan, back together again. That is, when he's not trying to attract the...
Four young offenders and their workers spend a weekend in the remote Yorkshire village of Mortlake, which prides on keeping itself to itself. A minor...
To be called the Fittest on Earth, one would have to be capable of conquering a number of both physical and mental challenges. In the year of 2020,...
Documentary in which actor and presenter Adam Pearson explores the world of freak shows and meets people who use their medical conditions to educate,...
Adam Pearson: Freak Show