The story of two men, Myongi and Sunho, who are reunited with one another at a high school reunion. Seeing each other after so long brought up old...
Hiiragi Mix takes place after the events of Given and focuses on the relationship between Mafuyu's childhood friends Hiiragi Kashima and Shizusumi...
Given the Movie: Hiiragi Mix
Second part of Given Movie: Hiiragi Mix.
Given the Movie: To the Sea
The relationship between a band's bassist, their drummer, and the drummer’s roommate and ex-boyfriend, who is a professional violinist.
Hidomi Hibajiri is a young girl who never takes off her headphones. Her whole life consists of going to school, helping out at her mother's cafe, and...
FLCL Progressive
Karasuno High enters the Inter-High Volleyball Tournament and immediately proves they're "flightless crows" no more. After their first match,...
Haikyuu!! Movie 2: Winners and Losers