"Eu sou O Rio", debut album by the band Black Future, appeared on all lists of the best releases of the year it was released, in 1988. A critical...
Black Future, Eu Sou o Rio
On March 1, 1982, the city of Niterói enters history and hosts one of the most important cultural movements: a so-called Rock 80 Generation....
A Maldita
"Lobão - Não Há Estilo Sem Fracasso" investigates the artistic career of Lobão, one of the most famous musicians of...
Lobão – Decadence Avec Elegance
As the world boiled in the rush of Easy Rider bikes, in the frenetic pace of Elvis Presley, in Beatniks poets, in the explosion of counterculture, a...
Raul: O Início, o Fim e o Meio