An atmospheric coming-of-age story featuring an imaginative young boy named Marek who dreams of escaping an increasingly dangerous Poland on the eve...
In the summer of 1683, 300 000 Ottoman Empire's warriors begin the siege of Vienna. City's fall, will open way to conquer the Europe. The Sept 11 is...
The Day of the Siege: September Eleven 1683
An epic tale of Poles, Ukrainians, Jews who are deported to Russia. Their fate is shown from the perspective of a young boy Staszek, who goes to...
Siberian Exile
Conflicts between the scouts and boys in a reformatory at the common scout camp, are sometimes very strong. One of the scouts dies. Jacek does not...
Be Prepared
A Romanian police officer teams up with a small crew of bank robbers to pull off a heist by convincing everyone at the scene of the crime that they...
Closer to the Moon