Takarazuka Star Troupe, 2015. A Musical Fable of Broadway Based on a story and characters by Damon Runyon. Music and Lyrics by FRANK LOESSER Book...
Guys and Dolls
The 2013 Takarazuka Star Troupe production of Gérard Presgurvic's "Romeo & Juliette".
Romeo & Juliette
2014 Takarazuka Star Troupe Shinjin Koen (Newcomer's Performance) production of Napoléon, the Man Who Never Sleeps ~At the End of His Love and...
Napoléon, the Man Who Never Sleeps ~At the End of His Love and Glory~ (Shinjin Koen)
The 2012 Takarazuka Star Troupe production based on Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice'.
Angel's Ladder
Star Troupe's performance with Disney songs.
Love & Dream